
Z PMD 85 Infoserver

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Autor  Autor ::  Please Help
Poslaná  Poslaná ::  23.04.2008 23:12:23
Predmet  Predmet ::  Please Help PMD Usage
Please Help
I'm trying to use the PMD85 but I cannot find any translation of usage instructions
Can someone please explain me how to load tapeswith MGLD command?
And how to startbasic?

Many tahnks in advance
Best Regards
Autor  Autor ::  l00k
Poslaná  Poslaná ::  24.04.2008 14:08:39
Predmet  Predmet ::  Re: Please Help PMD Usage
Hi Roberto,
since PMD85 computers were used only in Czechoslovakia (more in Slovakia), there was a decision to make the emulator in Slovak/czech language first, with possibility to switch to english. I can not promiss when the help will be in english, but there is a basic help how to use the emulator in section "navod" in Slovak language. I think you can try t ofollow that page. There were several models (1-2-3 and Consul and Mato) which were based on same principle but usage was slightly different. So you need to know which model to use, if need to be started Basic or not...
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